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Sunset in the Nature


Online Course Program
in Alternative Knowledge


Our Online Course Program for Alternative Knowledge was created out of a strong passion and a ceaseless commitment to making learning easily accessible from anywhere in the world. Based on the written book "Laava, the Dark Night Queen", our unique approach to learning is designed to provide our students with the opportunity to get an education in the Alternative Field on their own time.


At the heart of everything that we do is our commitment and intrinsic motivation to provide accessible education and pay attention to our students’ success. We invite you to explore our two different offerings (Inner and Outer Alternative Medicine) designed for learners from all backgrounds and levels. These two programs are based on the principles of "A Book of Shadows" as is used in the Wiccan and Pagan Tradition, to give knowledge that actually worked for yourself and others to the next generations and other people. 

With the basics we give you, you will be able to understand many other theories and knowledge, that make you capable to become autodidact in the field of Alternative Healing and Medicine. It is important though that you are committed and use your common sense and apply what you learn in your own life, to reap the fruits in the best way. Some treatments you cannot do for yourself, so you still need to be able to find your own treatment and healing when needed. 

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Alternative Knowledge that Actually Works

Herbs and Spices


Introduction, important keynotes and summary materia medica

-Western Materia Medica and Superfoods
-Ayurvedic Materia Medica, Youtheners and Habits
-Traditional Chinese Medicine Materia Medica
-Middle Eastern Herbs, Spices and Healthy Food Habits
-Native Healthy Herbs, Food and Habits
-Vitamins and Minerals
-Medicinal Drugs and the Brain
-Mushrooms and the Brain


How to find the right rituals and exercises for you?

-Personality types - What is your Personality type?
-Fitness types - What is your Fitness style and type?
-Body types - What is your Body type? 
-Routine types - How well do you cope with Routine and which Routines and Rituals fit you? 
-Gender and Preferences - How is Gender of Influence on your Healthy Habits? 
-Psychological types - What is your Psychological Type? 
-Astrological types - What does Astrology have to do with it? 

-Palmistry types - How can your Hand tell you about your Life Style?
-Numerology and your Life - It's all in the Numbers?

Fitness Ladies


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